Zero Configuration
Zero Configuration
Rocketact helps you focusing on your code without caring about environment setup or build process configuration. You can start developing a single-page React application or multi-page React application with zero configuration.
Better Develop Experience
Better Develop Experience
With the buildin web console, you can manage project dependecies and configure API mocks in your favorite browser.
Fully Configurable
Fully Configurable
Zero configuration does not mean sacrificing flexibility. Rocketact is built with the configurability in mind. You still have full control over all the steps during the build process.
Getting started with one command
Getting started with one command
All you need to do is:
npx rocketact create awesome-project

Full featured web console
Full featured web console
With the web console, you can:
- Manage project dependencies in browser with a single click
- View/Modify/Add API proxy rules without write any code